Recipe Ratings

The tastiness factor is a rated on a scale from 0-6, with each score translating to the following:
0:  I would not eat this even if I were starving. 
1:  I probably would not eat this, even if I were starving, but I might, I just wouldn't tell anyone.
2:  I would eat this if someone else made it, but I won't make again.
3:  Decidedly edible, but not exemplary.  Probably won't repeat unless it was very easy.
4:  Definitely tasty - will probably make again, maybe with some variations.
5:  Very tasty - will definitely make this again.
6:  Amazing.  Epic.  World-peace inducing.

The easiness factor is rated on a scale of 0-6, with each each score translating to the following:
0:  Incredibly labor intensive.  Required tools/ingredients/mood stabilizers that are not easily available.
1:  Quite difficult, but possible.  Worth the effort if results are amazing and it's a special occasion.
2:  Rather difficult.  A project for a weekend.
3:  Average difficulty.  Many simple steps or at least one step that might be challenging.
4:  Rather easy.  No specialized tools or techniques.
5.  Quite easy.  Good candidate for a quick or last-minute dish.
6.  Incredibly easy.  Doesn't even count as cooking.